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Moynalty v Carnaross Division 9

By moynaltytreasurer Tue 30th Apr

Tuesday 30th April 2024

Moynalty 3:13 Carnaross 1:10

Moynalty played the fourth round of the PMC Physiotherapy Adult Football Division 9 League at home to Carnaross on Tuesday evening, and came away with their third win to put them in a healthy position with 7 points on the board.

It was a tight opening first half played under the low cutting sunshine. Moynalty battled into a 5 point lead courtesy of a goal from Christy Cahill and some well taken points, including a long range effort from Raymond Owens. Carnaross slashed the defeceit shortly before halftime with a quick fire goal and point to leave the half time score Moynalty 1:05 Carnaross 1:04.

Once again Moynaltys deep bench proved vital, with Jude Gilsenan and Michael Lynch immediately impressing when introduced. Moynaltys defence stood firm throughout the second half, with Jake Smyth impressing at wing back. Cillian Gaynor added a goal midway through the half to put some distance between the sides, as Moynaltys forwards kept the scoreboard ticking over, ensuring that there would be no doubt about the result. Peter Olwill added a late goal at the end to put the game to bed. Full time score Moynalty 3:13 Carnaross 1:10. Moynalty now turn their attention to a trip to the high flying Moynalvey side on Thursday May 9th.

Team: Tommy Owens, Kevin Farrelly, Shaun Nevin, Dylan Gargan, Niall Gilsenan, Ronan McMahon, Jake Smyth (0:01), Adam Reilly, Raymond Owens (0:01), Michael Collins, Nicholas McKenna (0:02), Cillian Gaynor (1:00), James Lynch, Paul Lynch (0:01), Christy Cahill (1:03)

Subs used: Jude Gilsenan (0:03), Dylan Farrelly (0:01), Michael Lynch (0:01), Kian Lynch, Jack Farrell, Peter Olwill (1:00), Jack McEntee

By moynaltytreasurer Tue 30th Apr

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